BLASTN 2.2.3 [Apr-24-2002]

Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schäffer, 
Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), 
"Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search
programs",  Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402.

Query= AY102133.F
         (588 letters)

Database: ../PTA.blast_byTAIR/DB/ATH1_cdna_cm_20040228.fa 
           29,161 sequences; 44,058,232 total letters


                                                                 Score    E
Sequences producing significant alignments:                      (bits) Value

At1g01160.1  68414.m00026 SSXT protein-related / transcripti...  1166   0.0  
At4g00850.1  68417.m00116 SSXT family protein low similarity...   200   9e-51
At1g01170.1  68414.m00028 ozone-responsive stress-related pr...   119   3e-26
At5g03030.1  68418.m00251 DNAJ heat shock N-terminal domain-...    38   0.081
At3g13062.2  68416.m01631 expressed protein weak similarity ...    36   0.32 
>At1g01160.1 68414.m00026 SSXT protein-related / transcription
           co-activator-related similar to SYT/SSX4 fusion protein
           (GI:11127695) [Homo sapiens]; supporting cDNA
           gi|21539891|gb|AY102640.1|; contains Pfam profile
           PF05030: SSXT protein (N-terminal region)
          Length = 1027

 Score = 1166 bits (588), Expect = 0.0
 Identities = 588/588 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 1   atgcagcagcagcagtctccgcaaatgtttccgatggttccgtcgattccccctgctaac 60
Sbjct: 227 atgcagcagcagcagtctccgcaaatgtttccgatggttccgtcgattccccctgctaac 286

Query: 61  aacatcactaccgaacagatccaaaagtaccttgatgagaacaagaagctgattatggcc 120
Sbjct: 287 aacatcactaccgaacagatccaaaagtaccttgatgagaacaagaagctgattatggcc 346

Query: 121 atcatggaaaaccagaatctcggtaaacttgctgagtgcgcccagtaccaagctcttctc 180
Sbjct: 347 atcatggaaaaccagaatctcggtaaacttgctgagtgcgcccagtaccaagctcttctc 406

Query: 181 cagaagaacttgatgtatcttgctgcaattgctgatgctcaacccccaccacctacgcca 240
Sbjct: 407 cagaagaacttgatgtatcttgctgcaattgctgatgctcaacccccaccacctacgcca 466

Query: 241 ggaccttcaccatctacagctgtcgctgcccagatggcaacaccgcattctgggatgcaa 300
Sbjct: 467 ggaccttcaccatctacagctgtcgctgcccagatggcaacaccgcattctgggatgcaa 526

Query: 301 ccacctagctacttcatgcaacacccacaagcatcccctgcagggattttcgctccaagg 360
Sbjct: 527 ccacctagctacttcatgcaacacccacaagcatcccctgcagggattttcgctccaagg 586

Query: 361 ggtcctttacagtttggtagcccactccagtttcaggatccgcaacagcagcagcagata 420
Sbjct: 587 ggtcctttacagtttggtagcccactccagtttcaggatccgcaacagcagcagcagata 646

Query: 421 catcagcaagctatgcaaggacacatggggattagaccaatgggtatgaccaacaacggg 480
Sbjct: 647 catcagcaagctatgcaaggacacatggggattagaccaatgggtatgaccaacaacggg 706

Query: 481 atgcagcatgcgatgcaacaaccagaaaccggtcttggaggaaacgtggggcttagagga 540
Sbjct: 707 atgcagcatgcgatgcaacaaccagaaaccggtcttggaggaaacgtggggcttagagga 766

Query: 541 ggaaagcaagatggagcagatggacaaggaaaagatgatggcaagtga 588
Sbjct: 767 ggaaagcaagatggagcagatggacaaggaaaagatgatggcaagtga 814
>At4g00850.1 68417.m00116 SSXT family protein low similarity to synovial sarcoma
           associated SS18-delta [Mus musculus] GI:17978535;
           contains Pfam profile PF05030: SSXT protein (N-terminal
          Length = 1045

 Score =  200 bits (101), Expect = 9e-51
 Identities = 146/161 (90%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 64  atcactaccgaacagatccaaaagtaccttgatgagaacaagaagctgattatggccatc 123
           ||||| |||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||| |||
Sbjct: 168 atcaccaccgaacagatccaaaagtatcttgatgagaacaagaagctgataatggcgatc 227

Query: 124 atggaaaaccagaatctcggtaaacttgctgagtgcgcccagtaccaagctcttctccag 183
            ||||||| ||||| |||||||||||||| || || || ||||| |||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 228 ttggaaaatcagaacctcggtaaacttgcagaatgtgctcagtatcaagctcttctccag 287

Query: 184 aagaacttgatgtatcttgctgcaattgctgatgctcaacc 224
           ||||| ||||||||||| ||||||||||| |||||||||||
Sbjct: 288 aagaatttgatgtatctcgctgcaattgcggatgctcaacc 328

 Score = 87.7 bits (44), Expect = 1e-16
 Identities = 103/123 (83%), Gaps = 6/123 (4%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 343 gggattttcgctccaaggggtcctttacagtttggtagcccactccagtttcaggatccg 402
           ||||||||| |||| || ||||| || || ||||||||||| |  ||||||| |||||||
Sbjct: 468 gggattttccctcctagaggtccattgcaatttggtagcccgcatcagtttctggatccg 527

Query: 403 caacagcagcagcagatacatcagcaagctatgcaaggacacatggggattagaccaatg 462
           ||      ||| ||| ||||||| |||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 528 ca------gcaacagttacatcaacaagctatgcaagggcacatggggattagaccaatg 581

Query: 463 ggt 465
Sbjct: 582 ggt 584

 Score = 34.2 bits (17), Expect = 1.3
 Identities = 20/21 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 300 accacctagctacttcatgca 320
           |||||| ||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 407 accaccaagctacttcatgca 427
>At1g01170.1 68414.m00028 ozone-responsive stress-related protein, putative
           similar to stress-related ozone-induced protein AtOZI1
           (GI:790583) [Arabidopsis thaliana]; contains 1 predicted
           transmembrane domain;
          Length = 609

 Score =  119 bits (60), Expect = 3e-26
 Identities = 60/60 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 529 gggcttagaggaggaaagcaagatggagcagatggacaaggaaaagatgatggcaagtga 588
Sbjct: 609 gggcttagaggaggaaagcaagatggagcagatggacaaggaaaagatgatggcaagtga 550
>At5g03030.1 68418.m00251 DNAJ heat shock N-terminal domain-containing protein
           contains Pfam profile PF00226 DnaJ domain; DNAJ
           domain-containing protein, Homo sapiens, EMBL:AF126743
          Length = 665

 Score = 38.2 bits (19), Expect = 0.081
 Identities = 25/27 (92%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 402 gcaacagcagcagcagatacatcagca 428
           |||||||||||||||| |||| |||||
Sbjct: 240 gcaacagcagcagcagctacagcagca 214
>At3g13062.2 68416.m01631 expressed protein weak similarity to SP|Q9UKL6
           Phosphatidylcholine transfer protein (PC-TP) {Homo
          Length = 1716

 Score = 36.2 bits (18), Expect = 0.32
 Identities = 21/22 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 203 ctgcaattgctgatgctcaacc 224
           ||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 724 ctgcaattgctcatgctcaacc 703
  Database: ../PTA.blast_byTAIR/DB/ATH1_cdna_cm_20040228.fa
    Posted date:  Jun 25, 2004 12:58 PM
  Number of letters in database: 44,058,232
  Number of sequences in database:  29,161
Lambda     K      H
    1.37    0.711     1.31 

Lambda     K      H
    1.37    0.711     1.31 

Matrix: blastn matrix:1 -3
Gap Penalties: Existence: 5, Extension: 2
Number of Hits to DB: 20,054
Number of Sequences: 29161
Number of extensions: 20054
Number of successful extensions: 1909
Number of sequences better than 10.0: 48
length of query: 588
length of database: 44,058,232
effective HSP length: 17
effective length of query: 571
effective length of database: 43,562,495
effective search space: 24874184645
effective search space used: 24874184645
T: 0
A: 40
X1: 6 (11.9 bits)
X2: 15 (29.7 bits)
S1: 12 (24.3 bits)
S2: 16 (32.2 bits)